Fact Family Houses


Fact family houses are an awesome tool for teaching kids about the relationship between addition and subtraction facts.

Laminate the 64 cards to make them a write and wipe math center or have kids record their answers on the record sheet provided.



–> 16 fact family houses that give students all 3 numbers in the fact family and then have them write the 4 problems they can make with them.

–> 16 fact family houses that stretch students to solve for a missing addend and then write the 4 problems.

–> 16 fact family houses that challenge kids to find the missing sum and then write the 4 problems.

–> And 16 fact family houses that mix it up by having students solve for either a missing sum or a missing addend before they write the 4 problems.


That’s 64 fact family cards in all!

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“I used this resource during small group math circles. Students used the cards in pairs to try and solve the missing number. They had to experiment with numbers to find the correct solution. This was an activity which followed our lesson on + and – inverse operations.” – Nadene J.