Candy Heart Estimation Station Sheet

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Practice the art of estimation by pulling out a box of candy hearts and this super fun estimation sheet for Valentine’s Day!

Snag your set below and then hop over and grab even more STEM challenges kids will LOVE with our Epic STEM Challenge Bundle!

Candy Heart Estimation Station Sheet

Getting Ready

Prepping the activity was as quick as it comes.

I simply printed the estimation sheet (below) and grabbed a box of candy hearts. Easy peasy!

Candy Heart Estimation Station Sheet

Candy Hearts Estimation Sheet

The download includes an option for kids to grab just one handful of candy hearts. That sheet is perfect for pre-K kiddos.

But since I was doing the activity with my kindergarten son, I decided to use the TWO-handed version instead.

Middle Brother (age 6) happily grabbed two handfuls of candy hearts from the pile and took a quick peek at his stash before writing down how many hearts he thought he was holding: 14.

Candy Heart Estimation Station Sheet

Then, he carefully began counting the hearts one by one to check his guess.

Candy Heart Estimation Station Sheet

He was just four off!

Middle Brother wrote the exact count in the heart next to his guess on the estimation sheet and then grabbed a new scoop of hearts so he could estimate again.

Candy Heart Estimation Station Sheet

Grab Your Download

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