Valentine’s Odd and Even Sort

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Add a little love to math centers with this adorable Valentine’s Day-themed odd and even number activity!

Scroll below to grab your freebie and then make sure to snag our Place Value Cover Up activity!

Getting Ready

To prep the center, I printed it out and cut apart each of the number cards. Then, I ran them through the laminator to give the pieces extra durability.

Since I know that hands-on manipulatives can be really helpful for some students, I pulled out a bin of counters I had handy.

We were ready to play!

Odd and Even Number Sort Activity

We’ve been practicing odd and even numbers for awhile, so I decided to use this activity as a math center students could complete with a partner.

We did a quick review of what makes odd and even numbers special:

Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.

Even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

Then, I set the first group of kids to work placing the numbers in the correct spot in the sort.

I showed students who were not as confident about their answers how to use the counters to make visual pairing.

If there was one left over, the number was odd. If every counter had a pair, the number was even.

It’s a great way to differentiate for a variety of learners!

Once students could sort with confidence, I stretched the activity one step further by having them sort the numbers from smallest to biggest.

This odd and even number activity was a great challenge for my little mathematicians because they were able to practice multiple skills in the same activity.

Grab Your Set

Scroll below and click the blue button to download your free math game. Then make sure to snag our super fun Place Value Cover Up in our shop!

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