Fall Crow Counting Math Center

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With autumn in the air, we are having fun with our share of all things pumpkin and other “traditional” fall math center themes, but sometimes a break from the norm is fun to shake things up.

This autumn-themed counting center does just that as kids practice number recognition and ten frames with playful crows!

Fall Crow Counting Math Center

Getting Ready

Prepping this game was fairly quick and simple, which is helpful when I’m getting math centers or small groups ready for the week.

And, as a bonus, half of the supplies are reusable so after prepping this year, I will only need to re-copy the recording sheets to play again next fall.

I first printed out the crow number cards, laminated them and cut them apart on the solid black lines.

Then, I printed off enough recording sheets for my students who would be playing the game with me in a small group, plus a few extras in case we ran out.

I placed those items, along with some crayons, into a tub and we were ready to play!

Fall Crow Counting Math Center

Crow Counting Fall Math Center

With most math centers in my room, I like to introduce them with small groups before putting them out for kids to play independently, and that is what we did with this game as well.

We took turns picking up a crow card (and aren’t these such friendly-looking crows?) and reading the number.

Then, using a crayon, we counted one at a time while filling in a ten frame with dots until we reached that number.

This was great practice for not only our oral counting, but our one-to-one correspondence as well, as sometimes kids have a hard time making just one mark for each number.

Fall Crow Counting Math Center

If you want to add in an extra challenge, you could have kids write the numeral next to the crow as well to work on number formation.

We kept picking up crows, reading the number and filling in ten frames until all of our 10 frames from 1-10 were filled up. Such an easy and fun fall math center!

Grab Your Download

Ready to work on ten frames and counting with your kids as well? Grab your copy of this autumn-themed counting game by clicking the button below and then snag our Number Formation Pack!

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