Easter Egg STEM Challenges

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Whether you’re in need of fresh STEM centers, early finisher activities or math games, this Easter Egg STEM Challenge is a must-try!  Just grab a bag of plastic Easter eggs and you’re ready to stretch students’ learning in a BIG way with this STEM activity.

Snag your set below and then hop over to grab our Epic STEM Challenges in our shop for more STEM fun!

Easter Egg STEM Challenges

Getting Ready

To prep the STEM activity, I simply printed the egg cards on card stock to give them extra durability. I cut along the lines to separate the pieces.  Then, I placed them in a stack next to a basket of plastic Easter eggs.

Easter Egg STEM Challenges

I printed one copy of the record sheet for students who were ready for a challenge. (More on that in a bit…)

We were ready to play!

Easter Egg STEM Challenges

Little Sister (age 4) always get excited for STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and math), so she was eager to jump to work!

To play, she simply grabbed a card and used the plastic Easter eggs to build a match.

Easter Egg STEM Challenges

One card after the next, she worked her way through the pile.

Easter Egg STEM Challenges

The simple activity was a great way to work on color recognition and build her fine motor skills, too.

STEM Activity Extension Idea

Meanwhile, Middle Brother (age 6) needed more of a challenge.  So, I stretched the STEM activity by asking him to brainstorm all of the different color combinations that could be made with the tops and bottoms of our Easter eggs.

It was fascinating to watch how he problem solved to keep track of the pairs he’d already created.

When he had a big pile of different combinations, I gave him the record sheet so that he could color his answers.

Easter Egg STEM Challenges

Older Brother (age 8) was excited to discover that the six different colored bottoms could be combined with our six different colored tops to make 36 possible combinations.

Multiplication in action!

Snag Your STEM Activity Set

Click the blue button below to grab your free copy of the STEM challenge and then hop over to get our amazing Epic STEM Challenge Bundle in our shop!

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